About Me

I am a photographer and print maker, living in Lewes, West Sussex.

Having gained a BA in English and Drama at the University of Exeter, I started a career teaching in London and later took took on further study at the London School of Photography and The British Academy of Photography .

After getting married and starting a family I moved to Lewes, where I set up a business as a Professional Photographer and Printmaker.

My photography work now focuses on Environmental Portraiture, capturing people in their own space as well as capturing the natural environment.

I studied Printmaking at BIP Art Studio, Brighton, where I continue to take courses , alongside my work in my home studio , producing prints and cards inspired by the nature of the South Downs.

I am a cofounder of ‘Lewes Creatives’, a cooperative of Artists and Makers, which was set up in 2019. This group exhibit at various art shows, including Artwave and have previously taken residence at a gallery on Lewes High Street.

My photographs have been in several publications and I have a regular column in my local magazine. Recently I became a trustee of The Lewes Textile Design Museum & Workshops. It is hugely exciting to be part of such a unique charity, celebrating local craftsmanship.

I offer 1 to 1 and group courses in many mediums of printmaking including cyanotype , linocut and mono printing as well as creative photography for adults and children.

Please get in touch to find out more about my photography, printmaking or commissions.

I very much look forward to working with you.

Best wishes Cressida